Industry & Skills
SAFC supports the professional career development of South Australian screen creatives of all backgrounds through innovative training and skilling programs, conference subsidies and more. Click the headings below for more information about how SAFC can support you.
Professional Crew Attachments
Professional Crew Attachments support practical, on-set skills development and training for early and mid-career South Australian crew through industry attachments in technical below-the-line roles.
Growth of the below-the-line crew base is essential to the ongoing advancement of the screen industry in South Australia. The SAFC Professional Crew Attachment program forms part of the SAFC’s commitment to providing training and development opportunities for people working in the South Australian screen industries.
Potential crew roles and skills gaps in the screen industry are identified by the SAFC, in consultation with the South Australian screen sector and are regularly reviewed.
Professional Crew Attachments are a requirement of projects that have received $150,000 or more in SAFC Screen Production Grant funding.
What is on offer?
The successful applicant will be attached to a supervising crew member or Department Head who is obliged to provide appropriate tasks and supervision, creating tangible opportunities to learn, observe and assist in the relevant department.
The expected length of attachments will be at least six weeks and should be equivalent to the number of scheduled shooting weeks. This can be across pre-production, production and post-production according to the position, nature of the production and proposed skills development outcomes. The duration of attachments will vary and is negotiated between the SAFC and the production prior to the call for applications.
Professional Crew Attachments are employed by the production company for the duration of attachment, at no less than the relevant industry award rate. Host production companies are expected to adhere to all requirements of the Fair Work Act. The production company will deduct tax and employee entitlements before their payment.
- Professional Crew Attachment Guidelines (139kb PDF)
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
How can I apply?
The SAFC will issue a Call for Applications on a project by project basis via the SAFC’s Professional Opportunities page.
Before you apply, please make sure you are familiar with the SAFC’s Terms of Trade.
For more information, including eligibility requirements, evaluation criteria and application instructions, download the guidelines (linked above).
Where can I find out more?
Contact SAFC Program Coordinator Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or email [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 8 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
Targeted Diversity Attachments
The SAFC is committed to supporting increased participation by people from groups underrepresented in the South Australian screen industry including; women, First Nations practitioners, Deaf and disabled, practitioners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, practitioners from LGBTQIA+ communities and practitioners from regional and remote areas.
The Targeted Diversity Attachment scheme supports the SAFC’s mission to build a more inclusive screen industry in South Australia, by providing paid on-the-job experience for diverse key creatives, below-the-line crew, post-production, digital and visual effects crew and game developers.
What is on offer?
The successful applicant will be attached to a supervising crew member or Department Head who is obligated to provide appropriate tasks and supervision, creating tangible opportunities to learn, observe and assist in the relevant department. The attachment may cover more than one department.
The duration of attachments will vary and is negotiated between the SAFC and the host company prior to the call for applications.
Targeted Diversity Attachments are funded by the SAFC, at no less than the relevant industry award rate. Host companies are expected to adhere to all requirements of the Fair Work Act. The host company will deduct tax and employee entitlements before their payment.
Targeted Diversity Attachments cannot be used to substitute a paid role.
- Targeted Diversity Attachment Guidelines (152kb PDF)
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
How can I apply?
Targeted Diversity Attachment opportunities are mutually agreed upon by the SAFC and the host company in advance. When opportunities become available, SAFC will issue a Call for Applications via the Professional Opportunities page.
Before you apply, please make sure you are familiar with the SAFC’s Terms of Trade.
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by SAFC staff for an interview with SAFC and the host company. The SAFC and the host company will mutually select the best candidate for the position.
For more information, including eligibility requirements, evaluation criteria and application instructions, download the guidelines (linked above).
Where can I find out more?
For initial inquiries, contact SAFC Program Coordinator Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or email [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC recognises that barriers may prevent practitioners from underrepresented groups from accessing programs. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 8 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
Master/Apprentice Mentorship program
The Master/Apprentice Mentorship Program pairs experienced South Australian Heads of Department (HODs) with emerging and advancing crew (Mentees) to provide mentoring and build professional relationships that may form the foundation of future employment opportunities.
The Master/Apprentice Mentorship Program aims to develop emerging crew in preparation for the next steps in their careers. It provides a formal mechanism for valuable advice and guidance to be exchanged between senior crew members, Heads of Department (HODs) and crew members who are emerging or early career, or mid-career crew looking to shift into a new area.
Growth of the below-the-line crew base is essential to the ongoing advancement of the screen industry in South Australia. The SAFC has created the Master/Apprentice program as part of its commitment to providing training and development opportunities for people working in the South Australian screen industry.
What is on offer?
Early career or mid-career crew looking to shift into a new area will receive mentoring via four to six one-on-one meetings over a six to eight week period between the mentor HOD and Mentee. The program does not include on-set training.
There are 12 Mentor/Mentee opportunities in total across the nominated below-the-line crew departments as follows:
- Production Office;
- Production Accountant;
- Assistant Director;
- Locations;
- Script Supervisor;
- Camera Department; and
- Art Department.
The SAFC will match successful applicants with the relevant HOD. After being matched, Mentors and Mentees are then required to develop a training program that is mutually agreeable over a two to 12 month period.
Successful Mentees will be required to negotiate the training program with their mentor before commencing the program.
Successful Mentee applicants will be notified within two weeks of application.
Successful Mentors will be put in touch with their selected Mentee to arrange the first meeting within four weeks of application. The mentorship meetings will be conducted over a two to 12 month period depending on the HOD’s availability.
Key dates
This program is not currently open for applications.
- Master/Apprentice Mentorship Program (167 KB PDF)
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
Where can I find out more?
For further information please contact the SAFC Production and Development Team at [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
First Nations Short Film Program
The South Australian Film Corporation is committed to supporting First Nations filmmakers to tell their stories, develop their screen storytelling craft and build their professional careers through practical learning opportunities and mentoring.
What is on offer?
The First Nations Short Film Program is a skills development program for First Nations storytellers at all career levels.
The objective of the program is to support the career development of South Australian First Nations writers, directors, and producers.
The program will support scripted short films (not unscripted, factual, or documentary).
Stories that include the use of First Nations languages are encouraged.
This program is delivered in two phases.
An experienced First Nations Script Consultant and experienced Supervising Producer, selected by SAFC, will provide support across both phases.
Phase 1 – First Nations Short Film Writing Program
The SAFC will conduct a call out asking for applications from South Australian First Nations writers to apply with a concept for a 7 to 10 minute short film script.
Up to six teams will be funded to develop a short film from early concept to polished final draft. The writers will receive support through workshops, one-on-one feedback sessions and industry mentors.
A networking event during Phase 1 will help writers to connect with short film directors and short film producers.
By the end of the program, each writer will deliver a polished short film script and be eligible to apply for Phase 2.
Phase 2 – First Nations Short Film Production Program
At the completion of Phase 1, SAFC will call out for applications for short film funding. Applicants will be required to apply as a team (writer, director, producer).
Only those projects developed through the First Nations Short Film Writing Program will be eligible for short film production funding through the First Nations Short Film Fund.
Up to two short film teams will receive support through workshops, one-on-one feedback sessions and industry mentors.
SAFC staff will work with the teams to introduce them to experienced crew and Heads of Departments.
Each film will receive up to $45,000 per project to produce their short film.
Key dates
This program is not currently open for applications.
- First Nations Short Film Writing Program Guidelines (126 KB PDF)
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
Where can I find out more?
For further information please contact the SAFC Production and Development Team at [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
Export Market Travel Fund
The Export Market Travel Fund supports South Australian screen producers and game developers to take finance ready projects to the international marketplace.
Funding recipients are expected to raise export finance for their project at the market as a result of SAFC support.
What is on offer?
Travel funding is available for:
- up to $3,500 for an individual
- up to $5,000 for a team of two or more
* Where a contingent of South Australian companies are seeking to attend the same marketplace, SAFC may award funds at a lower level to ensure equity of participation. Applicants should speak to the SAFC Program Coordinator prior to application.
Key dates
Applications for this program will re-open in the second half of 2024. Subscribe to the SAFC’s mailing list to stay up to date with the latest opportunities.
- Travel Funding Guidelines (139 KB PDF)
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
Where can I find out more?
Contact SAFC Program Coordinator Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or email [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
First Nations Practitioner Development Fund
The First Nations Practitioner Development fund supports First Nations key creatives, cast and crew to undertake professional development opportunities that will help to achieve career goals. The program advances the First Nations Screen Strategy (2020-25) by enabling First Nations screen practitioners to develop their craft, build their careers and grow their professional networks nationally and internationally.
What is on offer?
Funds may be sought as a contribution towards the travel and accommodation costs associated with undertaking a professional course or training program, attending an industry event, film festival (for which they have been selected), market or conference or participating in an attachment or placement with an established production company.
This program is only open to First Nations screen practitioners who are residents in South Australia.
Applicants must supply a budget for their travel and can apply for up to $1,500 per annum. Funds through this program may be combined with other SAFC programs such as Conference and Market Subsidy or Export Market Travel Funding and with funding from other agencies including Screen Australia.
Travel costs to meet with broadcasters or decision-makers will not be eligible for funding through this program unless the meeting is scheduled to take place within a recognised festival, conference, or market.
Key dates
Applications for this program will re-open in the second half of 2024. Subscribe to the SAFC’s mailing list to stay up to date with the latest opportunities.
Please contact us if you require these guidelines in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
How can I find out more?
For further information please contact the SAFC Production and Development Team at [email protected]
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 08 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
Film Lab: New Voices

Film Lab: New Voices is a low-budget feature film skills development initiative designed to provide a platform for the next generation of diverse, South Australian filmmaking talent. It is co-funded by the SAFC, Adelaide Film Festival (AFF) and Screen Australia.
Film Lab: New Voices offers a bold, ambitious, and creative program that will foster a new generation of key creatives and provide a tangible production and exhibition outcome.
The Film Lab: New Voices initiative has already proven a successful career accelerator development program since it was launched in 2020. The first film greenlit for production, sci-fi Monolith, had its international premiere in official selection at the renowned SXSW (South by Southwest) Festival in Austin, Texas in 2023 following its world premiere at Adelaide Film Festival in 2022, and has sold into the US and Europe, internationally positioning writer Lucy Campbell, director Matt Vesely and producer Bettina Hamilton as exciting talent to watch.
In 2023 the second feature film greenlit under the program was announced as animated comedy Lesbian Space Princess, which will premiere at the 2024 Adelaide Film Festival.
What is on offer?
Film Lab: New Voices will give three South Australian creative teams industry mentoring across a 12-month period to develop a low-budget feature film script.
Industry mentors with expertise in low-budget filmmaking will guide the three selected teams through a rigorous skills development program.
At the end of the development phase, one project will receive a $600,000 production grant to produce a feature film for premiere at the Adelaide Film Festival 2026.
For full program details please download the guidelines, linked below.
Key dates
This program is not currently open for applications. Subscribe to the SAFC’s mailing list to stay up to date with the latest opportunities.
Guidelines & Downloads
- Film Lab: New Voices – Round 3 Guidelines (587kb PDF)
- Film Lab: New Voices FAQ (535kb PDF)
Please contact us if you require these documents in an alternative format – see contact details for this program below.
How can I apply?
This program is not currently open for applications. Please subscribe to the SAFC’s mailing list to stay up-to-date with future opportunities.
Accessibility Options
SAFC supports engagement from Deaf and disabled practitioners. For a confidential discussion of your access needs, please contact us at [email protected] or call Julia Light on 8 8394 2029 or via the National Relay Service.
Main image: SAFC Channel 44 First Nations interns Rick Hutcheson and Anil Junior Samy at work.