News & Events
SAFC farewells Board member Ann-Maree Davies
08 April 2022

The SAFC bids farewell and thank you to SAFC Board Member Ann-Maree Davies, who is stepping down from her role after three years of service.
As Head of School (Adelaide) at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, and with a background in computer science and teaching, Ann-Maree has brought deep experience in the education, games and digital media sectors to the SAFC Board during her tenure.
In particular, she has provided a focus on skilling, training and connecting with industry partners to create pathways and opportunities in the screen sector, particularly for games creatives and emerging practitioners.
SAFC CEO Kate Croser said: “As an avid gamer with a wealth of experience in both education and digital media, Ann-Maree has brought a highly specialised industry voice to the SAFC Board that has been vital to the SAFC’s support of the games sector and the success of our ongoing initiatives for skilling and training screen practitioners. Her contribution to the organisation has been invaluable.”
SAFC Board Chair Julie Cooper said: “On behalf of the SAFC Board and team I’d like to thank Ann-Maree for her dedication and commitment to the support of SA screen creatives and businesses. We look forward to continuing to work with Ann-Maree in her active industry and education roles.”
Departing SAFC Member Ann-Maree Davies said: “I would like to say thankyou to the SAFC staff and Board members for all their support and making my time on the Board so amazing. It has certainly been a privilege to be the first Board member to represent the Games community – at the same time, I have had the opportunity to see the film industry at its finest. The highlight for me was to attend the premiere of Mortal Kombat, filmed in SA, especially given the game itself has its own following.
“As the Academy of Interactive Entertainment moves into the Film and Virtual Production space this year, delivering the world’s first qualification in traditional film making and virtual production, I know that my time spent on the board has given me a greater appreciation for the screen industry.
“I look forward to attending future events as an SAFC guest knowing the AIE’s MAPS future graduates will become the next generation of film makers.”
Find out more about the SAFC Board here.