News & Events
SAFC launches new three year Strategic Plan
14 July 2020
The South Australian Film Corporation today launched its vision for 2020-2023, and three-year strategic plan for stimulating the recovery and growth of the South Australian screen sector.
Trailer produced by KOJO.
WATCH a replay of today’s announcement via YouTube (Auslan and closed captioning available)
Minister for Innovation and Skills David Pisoni last year established the South Australian Screen Advisory Committee, comprised of a group of highly experienced screen industry leaders from the SAFC, Adelaide Film Festival and the Mercury, along with industry representatives to oversee the growth of screen related industries and job opportunities in the state.
“I am pleased to see a commitment to collaboration and coordination between the SAFC, Adelaide Film Festival and Mercury, and endorse their streamlined approach to delivering the best outcomes for the entire sector,” Minister Pisoni said.
“Since the establishment of the South Australian Film Corporation, and the opening of Adelaide Studios in 2011, Adelaide and South Australia have been at the forefront of Australia’s screen industry as a hub of innovation and extraordinary achievement.
“Today that legacy of excellence begins a new chapter with the launch of the SAFC’s Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2023 and I congratulate the SAFC Board and staff, and CEO Kate Croser on the launch of this new vision for the future, as Adelaide and South Australia continue to deliver as Australia’s most exciting centre of screen innovation.”
In a special online livestream event, CEO Kate Croser unveiled the measures designed to support, position, and champion South Australian screen businesses to achieve creative excellence and prosperity, contributing to a robust South Australian economy and creative vibrancy.
Ms Croser said the strategic plan delivers actions and business initiatives to meet the SAFC’s strategic aims: to Enable Entrepreneurship, Grow Capability, Champion South Australia and Deliver Operational Excellence.
“As the state’s leading screen authority and investment body, the SAFC has created a roadmap for the next three years to develop and diversify our local talent, develop cohesive career pathways and ensure a pipeline of production work and production activity for our screen service companies,” she said.
“In growing our capability we will create the environment to expand and diversify the bench of experienced crew, and the pool of credited key creatives, and grow the economic contribution of screen service companies.
“In championing SA, we maximise the profile of our world-class facilities and competitive incentives and rebates, which enhance the capacity of the local sector and the state’s attractiveness as a production location.
“This multi-pronged strategy will increase both inward investment in SA screen businesses and export revenue while maximising the value of South Australian screen Intellectual Property.
“The entire Strategic Plan sits under the umbrella of the SAFC’s commitment to the industry and our stated organisational values: being Supportive, “Can Do”, Trustworthy, Open, Professional and Inclusive.”
The three-year strategic plan will set the primary focus for SAFC support and funding for industry professionals: mid-career to established businesses and practitioners that are in the business of developing and delivering narrative and interactive screen content, for any screen.
Support and funding to develop emerging talent will be delivered by the SAFC through its partnership with the recently rebranded Mercury CX (formerly Media Resource Centre), and bespoke talent escalation initiatives.
Ms Croser reiterated a key focus for the SAFC will be the support and development of South Australia’s First Nations screen sector, with the agency’s new First Nations Screen Strategy for 2020-25 to be announced later in the year.
“The SAFC looks forward to working collaboratively with industry stakeholders to build a stronger South Australian screen sector together,” Ms Croser said.
The SAFC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan is available for download below, and on the Corporate Information page of this website.
Downloads & Links
- Download the full media release (185kb PDF)
- Download the SAFC Strategic Plan: 2020-2023 (118kb PDF)
- Watch a replay of SAFC CEO Kate Croser’s livestream announcement from 14 July, 2020 (Auslan and Closed Captioning available)
Vision for the Future trailer: Production Credits
- Storm Boy (2019)
- Hotel Mumbai (2019)
- Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
- I Am Mother (2019)
- Cargo (2017)
- Tracks (2013)
- Animals (2019)
- The Babadook (2014)
- The Hunting (2019)
- Wolf Creek Season 2 (2017)
- Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors (2020)
- Stateless (2020)
- Unboxed (2018)
- Lucy & D.I.C (2019)
- I Am Woman (2020)
- In My Blood it Runs (2019)
- First Day (2020)
- Deafinition (2019)
- Top End Wedding (2019)
- Escape from Pretoria (2020)
- Koala Man (2019)
- The Flip Side (2018)
- Deadly Family Portraits: Crombie Crew (2019)
- Deadly Family Portraits: Sansbury Sisters (2019)
- Deadly Family Portraits: Electric Mimili (2019)
- The Loop (2019)
PDV footage supplied by: KOJO, Rising Sun Pictures, Mr X, Resin.
Additional footage supplied by: Monkeystack, Mighty Kingdom, Mercury CX, Adelaide Film Festival.
Trailer produced by KOJO.