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SAFC crew attachments schemes expand with Screen Australia funding

23 March 2023
Lauren Nichols undertaking a PDV Attachment with Moinkeystack, working on YOLO Crystal Fantasy
Lauren Nichols working on YOLO Crystal Fantasy as part of a PDV Attachment with Monkeystack, image supplied.

South Australian crew will have better opportunities to train and upskill through hands-on, practical on-set employment thanks to new funding for the SAFC’s attachments schemes from Screen Australia.

Announced this week, the SAFC will share in $1 million of Screen Australia funding among the state screen agencies to support vital training and skills development programs for the screen industry.

This funding will allow the SAFC to expand its existing attachment schemes to double the length of roles from six to 12 weeks, allowing the attached creatives to gain a deeper learning experience.

The SAFC currently funds attachments for South Australian crew through two schemes: Professional Crew Attachments (paid from the SAFC screen production grant) and Targeted Diversity Attachments (paid by SAFC).

Feedback provided to the SAFC from industry has highlighted that longer attachments are more beneficial for training, upskilling and career pathways. This new funding from Screen Australia will allow the SAFC to double the length of attachment roles under these schemes at no extra cost to productions.

As part of the SAFC’s commitment to boosting diversity in the sector, the majority of these attachment roles will be aimed at increasing the skills and professional credits of South Australian crew from under-represented backgrounds.

This expansion of the SAFC’s attachments program will result in greater benefit to productions and better training and skilling opportunities for practitioners.

Find out more about the SAFC’s Attachment Schemes on our Industry and Skills page.

OPEN NOW: Production Attachment Opportunity

An opportunity is currently open for emerging production department crew to work on upcoming ABC children’s TV series Beep and Mort S2, from SA’s Windmill Pictures. Applications are open until 27 March, 2023.

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