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SA Parliament celebrates SAFC’s 50th anniversary
10 November 2022

The SAFC’s 50th anniversary milestone was officially commemorated in Parliament House last week, with a special celebratory lunch hosted by Arts Minister Andrea Michaels and attended by South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas.
Minister Michaels and SAFC Board Chair Julie Cooper spoke about the value and impact of the SAFC and the SA screen industry over the past 50 years and thanked successive Governments, Ministers, Departments and SAFC Boards and staff. Established in 1972, the SAFC commemorates its 50th anniversary this year as Australia’s longest-running state screen agency.
In attendance were numerous distinguished guests including Minister for Child Protection, Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence and Recreation, Sport and Racing Katrine Hildyard MP, Minister for Regional Roads, Veterans Affairs and Local Government Geoff Brock MP, John Gardner MP representing Opposition Leader David Speirs MP, Tammy Franks MLC, Reggie Martin MLC, Tung Ngo MLC, Irene Pnevmatikos MLC, Sarah Andrews MP, Nadia Clancy MP, Matt Cowdrey OAM MP, John Fulbrook MP, Catherine Hutchesson MP, Steven Marshall MP, Adrian Pederick MP, Tony Piccolo MP, Jayne Stinson MP, Josh Teague MP and several Ministerial advisors.
SAFC Head of Production Beth Neate, Head of Communications and Marketing Petra Starke and EA to the CEO Charné Magor were also in attendance.
Following the lunch the SAFC was formally congratulated on its anniversary during Question Time, following a motion by Reggie Martin MLC, in which several Parliamentarians recognised the significant social, cultural and economic contributions the SAFC and SA screen industry has made to the state over the last half century.
Tung Ngo MLC said: “The many glowing compliments and reflections about the South Australian Film Corporation and its contribution to this creative and multi-layered industry is something we should all feel proud of. All of this is due to the hard work, passion, commitment and creative talents from many people: past and present employees of the SAFC, successive state governments, Premiers and ministers, departmental leaders and teams, and an entire industry of talented individuals, businesses and partner agencies.”
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council Jing Lee said: “We should all be very proud that South Australia’s screen industries today include world-class film, television, post-production, digital and visual effects, and game development. South Australia has the most unique and captivating cinematic landscapes. The SA Film Corp does a fantastic job in showcasing our most precious landscapes to the world, and they have a wonderful history of doing so.”
Tammy Franks MLC said: “What an impact this organisation has had recognising the value of our creative industry. From early productions like Storm Boy and Picnic at Hanging Rock, which are icons in the film world, to recent hits like Thor and Mortal Kombat, the South Australian Film Corporation has helped transform and form the South Australian film industry. In 2019-20, the South Australian screen sector contributed $187 million into our state’s economy. What a difference that 50 years of support has made. Those iconic films that have been produced with the support of the South Australian Film Corporation have stood the test of time. We watched them as kids, and we will show them to the next generation.”
Reggie Martin MLC said: “When companies come here to use the (Adelaide Studios) facilities, they are so impressed that they make sure they come back for their next production, and this is testament to the fact that we have here in South Australia the perfect conditions for a screen industry, and continued investment and resourcing will only see it thrive and continue to produce great products and great economic returns. I congratulate all who have been involved with the SA Film Corporation over the past 50 years, and I wish it continued success for many more years to come.”
The commemorations were the latest in a series of activities celebrating the SAFC’s 50th, following a gala reception at Adelaide Studios last month attended by screen industry luminaries including actor and producer Cate Blanchett and filmmaker Warwick Thornton. The SAFC will continue its Golden Anniversary commemorations in November with a wider industry celebration.