A funny, silly and irreverent action RPG roguelike that is a mix of The Office and Lord of the Rings with an animated cartoon like aesthetic. The office has fallen into darkness. A “toxic” workplace has transformed the once happy employees into dark and dangerous creatures. The office waits for a hero – you! Become the Box Knight and bring light back to this dark place. By day you’re just a normal office worker, but when the clock hits 5pm on a Friday you become the Box Knight – Protector of the office realm. Fighter of evil beings, deliverer of beers, wine and non-alcoholic beverages to your fellow workers in need. A champion of ‘culture’ in the now blighted workplace. Level by level, department by department you liberate the office of the toxic scourge that has plagued the once great company. Your end goal, battle your way up the Office tower and defeat the CEO in glorious battle or die trying… and do it all over again next week.