News & Events
The SAFC invites Expressions of Interest for paid Attachment opportunities on feature films and television series filming in SA
23 August 2018
The South Australian Film Corporation is pleased to invite Expressions of Interest for paid Attachment opportunities on feature films and television series filming in South Australia.
Practitioners are advised to submit their EOIs as soon as practicable to ensure they can be considered for upcoming opportunities. The SAFC will keep your EOI and CV on file and contact you regarding any relevant Attachment opportunities on future productions.
Applications are encouraged from people from underrepresented groups, including women, Aboriginal practitioners, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, regional South Australians, practitioners with disability and those from the LGBTQI community, in line with SAFC’s commitment to Delivering Diversity in the South Australian screen industry.
In order to be eligible for the scheme, applicants need to meet the basic eligibility criteria as detailed in the SAFC General Guidelines & Terms of Trade as follows:
- is a South Australian resident;
- has relevant industry experience (outside of secondary or tertiary education);
- is not a full time student.
For attachments being offered Sept – Dec 2018 CLOSING DATE: Friday 31st August 2018 at COB.
Following that applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis at anytime via the SAFC website only. Please read the Attachment Guidelines on the SAFC website before completing the form online.
The SAFC Crew Attachment Scheme aims to provide film production development opportunities for South Australian screen practitioners, who are interested in furthering their career and skills in the South Australian screen industry. The scheme is designed to address gaps in areas that exist (or emerge over time) within South Australia’s professional crew base.
All enquiries on the attachment positions and filling out the form should be directed to [email protected] or direct line 8394 2028.
Featured image: On set of Rabbit (2017)