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New Screen Advisory Committee and Games Innovation Fund to further strengthen screen industries in SA
22 August 2019
South Australia’s momentum in the screen industries was further bolstered today with the appointment of a new Screen Advisory Committee and a new $300,000 Games Innovation Fund.
Minister for Innovation and Skills David Pisoni said a review undertaken by the Department for Innovation and Skills recommended the establishment of the advisory committee, which will oversee the growth of screen related industries and job opportunities in the state.
“The overwhelming message received from industry through the review was that all elements of the screen sector – including games development, AR and VR and the music industry – must work more collaboratively in South Australia,” Minister Pisoni said.
“The eight-member committee will be responsible for leveraging all aspects of the state’s unique screen industry and capabilities to increase employment growth, intellectual property enhancement and skills development, and will be chaired by Peter Hanlon, current Chair of the South Australian Film Corporation Board.
“They will oversee the development and implementation of a strategy for growth of a unique South Australian screen industry that builds on our local advantages including production, post-production, new digital technologies, streaming platforms, games development, music and audience development that creates internationally relevant story telling.”
As part of the new focus for the screen industry, Minister Pisoni today announced a $300,000 Games Innovation Fund, following consultation with the Games Innovation Fund advisors Founder and CEO of Mighty Kingdom Phil Mayes, Director of Monkeystack Justin Wight, Head of School for the Academy of Interactive Entertainment Ann-Maree Davies and ANU’s 3A Institute Masters of Applied Cybernetics candidate Alison Kershaw.
“South Australian developers can apply for funding of up to $25,000 per project to develop new games intended for public release to global audiences, including educational games, narrative and non-narrative format games and “serious” games, which can act as tools for scientific and medical training and other industry applications,” Minister Pisoni said.
“New versions of existing games and franchises will also be accepted, provided the original IP was developed and is still held by a South Australian developer or company.
“In addition, 15 South Australian game developers will be supported to attend Australia’s premier game development conference at Game Connect Asia Pacific, part of Melbourne International Games Week, Asia Pacific’s largest digital games celebration.”
“Game development is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world, estimated to be worth almost $200 billion globally.
“This new fund recognises that the creation and retention of original South Australian IP is fundamental to growing the sector in this state, and will help South Australia tap into this lucrative market, creating new revenue opportunities while fostering and growing local talent in the innovation sector.”
Minister Pisoni said the fund, open today, will be administered by the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC), reflecting its role as the premier agency for all aspects of the State’s screen industry.
For more on the Games Innovation funding, click here.
Screen SA Advisory Committee:
- Peter Hanlon (Chair) is an independent filmmaker with Living Not Beige Films and the current Chair of the Board of the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC).
- Kate Croser is the newly appointed CEO of the SAFC. Prior to this, Kate was head of Production and Development at KOJO and an award-winning producer creating bold film and television work.
- Dan Thorsland is the Director of Business Development and Partnerships at Mighty Kingdom and a Media Resource Centre (MRC) Board member.
- Lisa Bishop is the Chief Executive Officer, Music SA and has worked for 20 years in the private, public & not-for-profit sectors across industries including tourism, events, transport, retail, health, film/TV and the arts.
- Gail Kovatseff is the director of the Media Resource Centre. Prior to this, Gail worked for ten years as a Senior Industry Officer at Arts SA.
- Mathew Kesting is Chief Executive and Creative Director of the Adelaide Film Festival (AFF). Mr Kesting has almost 20 years in the Australia film industry, including AFF Programs Manager since 2015.
- Tony Clark is the Managing Director of Rising Sun Pictures with a career spanning cinematography and filmmaking and Visual Effects.
- Dale Roberts is Group Managing Director at KOJO. From Hollywood movies, to international television series, live events, digital platforms, national advertising campaigns and live sport. Dale has built a reputation as a highly creative and strategic business executive over the past 28 years.
Featured image: Monkeystack