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Call for Attachments on feature film Top End Wedding

16 March 2018

The South Australian Film Corporation is pleased to announce a callout for two attachments on the feature film Top End Wedding.  The SAFC Crew Attachment Scheme aims to provide film production development opportunities for all emerging South Australian screen practitioners who are interested in furthering their career and skills in the South Australian screen industry. The scheme is designed to address gaps in areas that exist (or emerge over time) within South Australia’s professional crew base.

Applications are encouraged from people from underrepresented groups.

Attachment Positions:

In order to be eligible for the scheme, applicants need to also meet the basic eligibility criteria as detailed in the SAFC General Guidelines & Terms of Trade as follows:

The selected Attachees will:

CLOSING DATE : Wednesday 21st March  2018 by COB

Applications are accepted via the SAFC website only. Please read the Attachment Guidelines before completing the form online.

**When filling in the form, please type “Top End Wedding” in the PROJECT TITLE box provided.

All enquiries on the attachment positions and filling out the form should be directed to [email protected] or on direct line 8394 2028.

Featured image: On set of Rabbit (2017)

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