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Call for Attachments Feature Film & TV projects

18 May 2017

The SAFC is pleased to announce its callout for attachments on the TV series Wolf Creek, scheduled to shoot in South Australia during July, 2017. The SAFC Crew Attachment Scheme aims to provide film production development opportunities for emerging South Australian screen practitioners who are interested in furthering their career and skills in the South Australian screen industry. The scheme is designed to address gaps in areas that exist (or emerge over time) within South Australia’s professional crew base.
Applications are encouraged from people with culturally diverse backgrounds, as well as Aboriginal screen practitioners and people from the GLBTI community. Additionally, in line with SAFC’s Gender Agenda commitment 50:50 gender balance within the South Australian screen industry, the SAFC also encourages applications from women screen practitioners.

See more information about this Call for Attachments here.

View general information about SAFC’s Attachment scheme here.

Featured image: On set of Bad Blood (2017)
Photo by Sam Oster

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