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Applications open for Carclew’s Fellowship program
04 May 2016
Documentary filmmaker Madeleine Parry kickstarted her career with funding from Carclew – can your career benefit too?
For many years Carclew has offered a handful of art-form specific scholarships annually. Whilst prestigious, the limited number available meant that some people were missing out.
The new annual Carclew career development Fellowship Program will allow an artist or arts worker aged 26 years or under, of any background and experience, to pitch a professional development proposal. In the new program, applicants can propose a program of study or professional development and request financial support ranging from $3,000 – $12,000.
Fellowships can be to study at an international summer school, to participate in masterclasses, residencies, internships or mentorships, or to immerse oneself in a different and challenging environment to be exposed to innovation and cutting edge ideas.
Fellowships will recognise the breadth of skills in the arts and creative industries. They are open to applicants practicing in all creative mediums, as well as technical, administration and production areas of the arts, all of which make a vital contribution to a complex industry.