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South Australia announces Australia’s most attractive PDV rebate scheme
17 December 2017
South Australia’s Minister for the Arts and Premier Jay Weatherill today announced the largest ever direct boost to the SA film industry, with a new un-capped rebate which will strengthen the State’s ability to attract large budget and international productions.
South Australia, already renowned for it’s world-class post production houses and facilities, now boasts Australia’s best post production rebate scheme, making the state more globally competitive in attracting blockbuster films that use Visual Effects (VFX), such as Thor: Ragnarok, X-Men: Dark Phoenix and Tomb Raider.
The visual effects industry is set to become one of the State’s fastest growing sectors, with several hundred new jobs expected to be created and an economic benefit of approx $200 million.
The new ‘Post Production, Digital and Visual Effects’ (PDV) Rebate will see companies receive a rebate of 10% of their South Australian expenditure, mirroring the Australian Federal Government’s PDV Offset of 30%. Combined, South Australian post production companies can now offer a 40% rebate on spend in the state to international film producers.
The PDV rebate is not limited by funding, increasing the scope and diversity of productions who are able to bring their post to South Australia. The rebate is un-capped, automatic and non-discretionary for productions that meet the guidelines, and replaces the previous grant that was limited to $150k per production.
The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) will launch the new PDV rebate from 1 January, 2018.